Quality audit. Mystery shopper

There are several steps to implement a Quality Audit Research in hotels. In general, the use of a Mystery Shopper is needed under a perfect instruction to fully understand the standards of the chain. The final objective is to assess the quality of the operation.

Every hotel establishment is different, so we need a detailed methodology for each type of hotel or chain. Expect to be analyzed in all major functional aspects, from the website to the facilities.

It´s common to follow a four-step process:
  1. Analysis and inmersion into the system.
  2. Implementation.
  3. Reporting and solutions.
  4. Follow-up.

The benefits for the client are clear:
  • Process optimization (reporting aspects which need improvement and possible solutions).
  • Cost reduction.
  • Improvement of customer service.
  • Creation of follow-up tools.
  • Creation of standard manuals.
  • Better control.
  • Improvement of brand image.